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    Lin Yutang: Roaming Between Eastern and Western Cultures

    Author: Sun Shijun, Li Xiangjun


    ISBN: 978-7-5333-2799-6

    Pages: 179

    Published Date: 2013.06

    Book Title (书名):东西文化放浪行——林语堂                       

    Lin Yutang: Roaming Between Eastern and Western Cultures

    Author   (作者名): Sun Shijun(孙世军) Li Xiangjun( 厉向君)                     

    Publisher(出版社):Qilu Press(齐鲁书社)

    Publishing Date(出版时间):2013.06



    Pages(页码):  179

    Format(成品尺寸): 16

    Content in Brief(内容简介,50字以内):


    As a biographic work, the book gives a detailed narration of Lin Yutang’s life stories, among which a few important events and his creative periods stand out. The book allows readers to get an up-close look at the master’s charisma and style.