Thinking Like Zeng Guofang


Author:Lu Xiuru




Published Date:2016.05

Book Info:

Thinking Like Zeng Guofang

Author: Lu Xiuru

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2016.05

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5238-0

Pages: 216

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

Zeng Guofan is a Chinese outstanding minister in Qing Dynasty, who had been evaluated by a saying that to be officer learns from Zeng Guofan, and to be businessman does Hu Xueyan. On the emphasis of the thought of Zeng Guofan, the book analyzed him, deeply explained his heart world, and discovered his heart course, which help readers to realize him more objectively, dialectically and profoundly.