Author:Feng Keli
Published Date:2016.2
Book Info:
Title: Old Pictures. Section 105
Author:Feng Keli
Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House
Publishing Date: 2016.2
Price: 20.00
ISBN: 978-7-5474-1749-2
Pages: 192
Size: 140×203
Content in Briefs:
Old Pictures is a book series which is published successively. One volume of the Old Pictures will be published per two months. It provides many columns including “Previous Scenery”, “A Moment Related to The Famous Person”, “Review the Old Things” and “Personal Photo Album” and so on. The Old Pictures looks back the existence and development of the human being over the years from the unique perspective through publishing some interesting photos accompanied by some lively words, so the readers are worth looking at and reading it. This volume of Old Pictures shows old pictures of the American legend queen for street snap Vivian Maier, publishes The Father Li Junmin’s “Cultural Revolution” Suffering, The Air Force Martyrs for Anti-Japanese in the Family, The Grandfather Cheng Xiuzi Teaches for Fifty Years, The Prince Wang Pengcheng in the Last Dynasty and “Festival Taste” in the Old Pictures and so on.