Author:Feng Keli
Published Date:October 2016
Book Info:
Title: Old Photos: Vol. 109
Author: Feng Keli
Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House
Publishing Date: October 2016
Price: 20.00
ISBN: 978-7-5474-2031-7
Pages: 192
Size: 140×203
Content in Briefs:
Old Photos is a series of books published in succession, and is now published bi-monthly. There are "things and scenery in old times", "celebrity's moment", "retelling old stories", "private gallery" and other sections in the series. By publishing interesting old photos accompanied with lively writing, the series adopts a unique perspective looking back over man's survival and development in the past hundred years, making it a visible and readable book of history. This edition of the series recounts historian Deng Guangming's experience of teaching in Fudan University in Chongqing during the War of Resistance Against Japan, shoots photos of Xu Chi in his later years, and combs historical clues of the explosion of the arsenal in Qingdao from photos shot by the US Army etc.