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Migration of National Treasures


Editor Summary:

Brief Introduction:AsPu Yi, the last emperor, became a grown-up, he earnestly hoped to restore the monarchy and the Qing dynasty. In order to raise the fund for his political purpose, he smuggled a large amount of the treasures out
of the royal palace in

Shandong Publishing Media Co., Ltd内容图片展示



出版时间:2016 年 3 月

定价:28.00 元

ISBN: 978-7-5330-5917-0

页码:210 页

成品尺寸:大 32 开

内容简介:1931 年,日本大举侵华,平津危急,华北危急。国

民政府决定,故宫博物院等所藏珍贵文物,装箱南迁。作者条分缕析, 详细地揭示了国难时期复杂的历史背景、相关的历史人物,以及国宝流失宫外以后的坎坷命运。


Author: Xiang Si

Publisher: Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Co. Ltd.

Time of Publication:March, 2016



Number of Pages:172

Book Size:32

Brief Introduction:AsPu Yi, the last emperor, became a grown-up, he earnestly hoped to restore the monarchy and the Qing dynasty. In order to raise the fund for his political purpose, he smuggled a large amount of the treasures out
of the royal palace in the name of rewarding his brother
PuJie. The author carried out detailed research of the last emporor’s family and life from a brand-new perspective and combed his major life events like ascending and abdicating the throne, growing up, setting up the small court, wedding, etc.. In the book, the complex historical background and relevant historical figures are illustrated and the rough fate of the national treasures after they were smuggled out of the palace is revealed.