A Critical Biography of Ji Xianlin
Editor Summary:
A Critical Biography of Ji XianlinAuthors: Yu Longyu, Zhu Xuan
Publisher: Shandong Education Press Co., LTD
Pages : 690
Price :RMB 158
ISBN : 978-7-5328-9242-6
Publication Date : July, 2016
Size : 250*170mm
Mr. Ji Xianlin has a profound achievement in the field of linguistics, culturology, history, Buddhism, Indology and comparative literature. He has translated many Sanskrit writings and German and English classics. In narrating Mr. Ji`s difficult education experience, academic research and amateur life, etc, this book unfolds his nearly a hundred years of life marked with ups and downs, great academic accomplishments, and romantic and colorful lifestyle. This book also highlights the spiritual journey of a centenarian and Chinese intellectual, and comments from the perspective of academic research to promote the growing study of Ji`s literary works.