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A Different Math Story (Books 1-6)


Editor Summary:

A Different Math Story (Books 1-6)

Shandong Publishing Media Co., Ltd内容图片展示

Author: Shao Jun, Zhang Xiuli, Mi Jika

Publisher: Shandong Education Press Co., LTD

Pages : 960

Price :RMB 108

ISBN : 978-7-5328-8533-6, etc.

Publication Date : Nov, 2014

Size : 240*170mm

This is a set of magic math books that elementary school students should not miss. It breaks the stereotyped opinions that people hold towards math and turns it into something really interesting.

The series is illustrated with lots of graphics, and combines education with recreation. It tells about a mysterious teacher with magical powers and his fantastic experience with his students in the unpredictable classroom. The series is full of humor, fun and fantasy, and also focuses on the series. The series also focuses on the use of mathematics in real life, tells readers that mathematics is everywhere in life and learning mathematics is very important. The stories are arranged in accordance with the requirements of the math syllabus of primary school. Students can learn math while enjoying the stories.