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Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House and South Korea Publishing House signed the copyright agreement in Beijing


Editor Summary:

On the morning of August 24, 2016, Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House held the copyright export signing ceremony at the Shandong Publishing Group booth in the Beijing International Book Fair. The volumes Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House exported to Ko

Shandong Publishing Media Co., Ltd内容图片展示

2016年8月24日上午,山东美术出版社在北京国际书展山东出版集团展台,举办了“山东美术出版社向韩国CHINA  HOUSE出版社输出《中小学传统文化艺术读本》丛书与《图解中国文化艺术卷》丛书韩文版权签约仪式”。

On the morning of August 24, 2016, Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House held the copyright export signing ceremony at the Shandong Publishing Group booth in the Beijing International Book Fair. The volumes Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House exported to Korea China House are Traditional Art Books for Middle School and Primary School Students and Illustrations on Chinese Culture and Art.


The guests at the ceremony are Mr. Jiang Weijun, President of Korea Association of Small and Medium Publishing Houses, Mr. Li Chengfan, Vice President of Korea Association of Small and Medium Publishing Houses, Mr. Li Jianxiong, President of China House, Mr. Si Anmin, Director of Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of Shandong Province, Mr. Sun Xinglin, Deputy Director of Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of Shandong Province, Mr. Chi Yun, Chief Editor of Shandong Publishing Group, Mr. Hu Peng, General Manager of Shandong Publishing & Media Ltd., Mr. Chen Gang, Executive Deputy General Manager of Shandong Publishing & Media Ltd., Mr. Liu Ziwen, Director of Publication Office of Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of Shandong Province, Ms. Ding Li, Director of Publication Office of Shandong Publishing & Media Ltd.

韩国CHINA  HOUSE  出版社一直致力于引进出版具有丰富中国传统文化内涵的图书,在韩国为传播中国传统文化做出了不懈的努力。这次达成的版权输出项目,是自去年在山东成功举办中韩版贸会以来,韩国中小出版协会与山东出版集团密切联系、多方合作的又一重要成果。此次签约是个良好开端,将为中韩出版社之间更加密切、更加务实的合作拉开序幕。

CHINA HOUSE of Korea has been dedicated to the introduction and publication in Korea of books rich in traditional Chinese cultural connotation. The export of the above mentioned two volumes is a great achievement that represents the close relationship and cooperation between Shandong Publishing Group and Korea Association of Small and Medium Publishing Houses. The signing ceremony could be regarded as a wonderful beginning that draws open the curtain of the future cooperation between Chinese and Korean publishing houses.